

Welcome to your first day in the Multiverse, new recruits! We're very excited to have you joining the team. Before you get started, please watch this video to get your starting mission assignments.

The Puzzlemaker has begun wreaking havoc on the Multiverse, inserting bugs and encrypting worlds into devilish puzzles! We'll need your help to solve these puzzles and decrypt the Puzzlemaker's master plan!

Navigating the Multiverse

The Puzzlemaker has started encrypting parts of the multiverse into puzzles! We'll need to quickly solve his confounding cryptographic conundrums. We've issued you a company standard Metadex, a device which can track information about the various puzzle-verses you'll be encountering. The device should be able to use precise calculations to check whether your puzzle answers are correct. Each time you solve a puzzle, we'll store more information in the Metadex for analysis. Please make sure to submit your answers to HQ when you've completed the hunt. Before the hunt starts, you can test out the metadex on a practice puzzle here. Finally, for even more information, please feel free to check out the FAQ.