Problematic Conundrums

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Good news! We've managed to intercept some clues from the Puzzlemaker:
    Download this puzzle

    Let's just look at the benefits and drawbacks.

    Google competitor 

    Took ownership of

    Subject of many myths, like Genesis

    Combination of multiple cuisines

    Metric unit of mass


    Hip hop group "A Tribe Called ___"

    Scored out of five stars

    Biology or physics

    Fibonacci, for instance

    Shoe bottom

    Software release

    Misunderstanding while questioning [4,5]

    Suggestion xbox? [7,6]

    Partial change? [8,9]

    Artificial intelligence [5,7]

    Overpopulation, perhaps [5,5]

    Declared victory [4,8]

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    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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