Bob (Male): I agree with Jason. The answer is a car model.
Carla (Female): If you ask him, Marcus would say I’m a truth-teller. The answer was featured in the 2018 YouTube rewind.
Edward (Male): Don’t trust people with short names! Everyone whose name is less than 5 letters long is a liar. The answer is one of the previous winning words of the national spelling bee.
Elliott (Male): There are 2 more liars than truth-tellers. The letters of the answer are in alphabetical order.
Eric (Male): All the women are liars. The answer is a Pokemon.
Isabelle (Female): I am single. I’ve never been married! Marcus is a liar!! The answer has exactly 7 letters.
Jason (Male): There are an even number of truth-tellers. There is a greater number of the answer than humans globally.
John (Male): All liars’ names start with vowels. The answer is larger than a cat.
Laura (Female): Exactly one of myself, Eric, and Bob is a liar. The answer can be anagrammed into at least one other six-letter English word.
Marcus (Male): I am married to Isabelle. The answer has exactly 6 letters.
Oliver (Male): There are exactly 5 liars. The answer is a cereal brand.
Paul (Male): Everyone whose name begins with E is a liar. The answer has planar symmetry.
Rachel (Female): Isabelle, Laura, and myself are all liars. The answer consists only of one-point tiles in Scrabble.
Rebecca (Female): There are an odd number of liars. The answer is an animal.
Sam (Male): Bob, Jason, and Rebecca are either all truth-tellers or all liars. A superhero is named after the answer.